
Spider Mum

Oh these colors! The white opal of the petal tips just glows like a sunset in the light. It’s what I imagine a fire opal made into a flower would be. Spider Mum is made of 230 individual pieces -  comprised of a mix striated, seedy, & mystic art glass. It measures 22” square unframed; 25” square framed.

The look and feel of this window was inspired by traditional Japanese ukiyo-e wood block prints and serves as the bigger little sister to Taurus.  

The Chrysanthemum was first cultivated from wild blossoms by the Chinese. The first breeding efforts date back to the 15th century. 

It is believed that Buddhist monks first brought the Chrysanthemum to Japan around 400AD. The Japanese Emperors thought so highly of the flower that they often sat on thrones of chrysanthemums. To this day, the Japanese believe that the chrysanthemum is a symbol of the sun, and that the way in which the flower opens its petals denotes perfection. Japan also holds a "chrysanthemum festival" known as the Festival of Happiness. The name is derived from the Greek language -“chrysos" meaning gold, and "anthos" meaning flower. As November’s official flower, the Chrysanthemum teaches us that even the beginning of winter can have joy and beauty.

they spoke no words

the visitor, the host

and the white chrysanthemum

        – Oshima Ryota (1718-87)
